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2021 Annual Meeting

Event Starts: September 15, 2021

City: Crowley
State: Texas
Country: USA


In accordance with the Bylaws for the Bridges of Deer Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. you are hereby given notice that the 2021 Annual Meeting is being scheduled for September 15, 2021 at 6:30pm. The primary purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect a new Board of Director, review 2020 and 2021 business, and discuss future plans for the HOA. The association will be electing one (1) member to the Board of Directors. This meeting will be held via Zoom. Instructions to attend the meeting are attached. If you cannot attend please complete a proxy and return it to Ryan Smith.

Due to this being an online meeting and election no floor nominations will be taken. Candidacy forms need to be submitted by September 14, 2021. Online voting will open after the completion of the annual meeting. Voting will remain open for 24 hours. The Association anticipates posting election results within forty-eight hours of the annual meeting. In order to vote you must be registered on Please contact Ryan Smith at or 214-705-1615 with any questions. We look forward to your participation in the meeting and election.

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Meeting ID: 825 8969 7237
Passcode: 847012

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Bridges of Deer Creek HOA Property Management

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